• Poor sleep linked to PTSD after heart attack

    Poor sleep linked to PTSD after heart attack

    In a recent post by the National Sleep Foundation, data from Columbia University Medical Center shows that “symptoms of PTSD after a heart attack are relatively common.”

    The post continues with:

    “The results showed that the more heart attack-induced PTSD symptoms patients reported, the worse their overall self-reported sleep was in the month following their heart attack. Greater PTSD symptoms following a heart attack were associated with worse sleep quality, shorter sleep duration, more sleep disturbances, use of sleeping medications, and daytime dysfunction due to poor sleep the night before.


    The data also showed that people with poor sleep following a heart attack were more likely to be female and to have higher body mass index and more symptoms of depression; they were less likely to be Hispanic.”

    Source: https://www.sleepfoundation.org/sleep-news/poor-sleep-linked-ptsd-after-heart-attack

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  • Medical Director

    Monica O. Woodward, MD, FCCP, FAASM is Board Certified in Sleep Disorders Medicine, Critical Care, and Pulmonary Diseases.
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